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Skin Cancer Part 3 of 3: Check Your Skin
"After reviewing your risk factors in Skin Cancer Part 1, and how to reduce those risks in Skin Cancer Part 2, you are now ready to learn how to perform regular and thorough skin checks — on yourself, your spouse, and your children. Remember: You are your very best resource for detecting skin cancer in its early stages."
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Skin Cancer Part 2 of 3: Protect Yourself and Your Children
“In Part 1, you learned important facts about skin cancer: the impact in the U.S., the three major types, and the risk factors — the ones you can modify and the ones you cannot modify. These facts give you a strong foundation for the subject of this article: protecting yourself and your children from skin cancer by reducing your exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which is the number one modifiable risk factor. Let’s get started.”
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Skin Cancer Part 1 of 3: Understand Your Risks
“Let’s begin with this: Reducing the risk of — or even preventing — skin cancer for yourself and your children is an achievable goal. But not if you remain unaware of the risk factors, or if you treat those risk factors nonchalantly.”
Download PDF for Skin Cancer Part 1
Walk It Off!
“It seems everyone I meet wants to start a program of increased physical activity. Why? Maybe to improve stamina, mood, or physical capabilities. Maybe to decrease fatigue, stress, risk of disease, or complications of a pre-existing condition. Any of these goals is attainable by following a moderate program of walking!”
You may ask, “Why me… why am I an alcoholic?"
“I understand the pain behind your question. But I cannot tell you why — why you specifically — are an alcoholic. But if the heart of your question is ”How can I stop drinking?,” then I can offer you some practical advice on achieving sobriety — a battle plan for victory.”
Download PDF for You may ask, “Why me… why am I an alcoholic?"
Alcohol Awareness
“Whether due to your own drinking habits or those of someone close to you, it’s likely that every reader of this bulletin, including myself, has been affected adversely by alcohol abuse. Abusers — and, yes, those close to them as well — may lose friends, family, health, jobs, and, of greatest consequence, their faith. Alcohol abuse hurts us all.”
Download PDF for Alcohol Awareness