Locate the section of the where your collapsible text needs to go. Paste the following code there, substituting the text to suit your needs.
1] What does 120/80 mmHg mean?
Blood pressure, if lower than 120/80 mmHg,is an example of a normal reading, is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and displays as two numbers: 1. **systolic pressure,** the first, the higher pressure as your heart contracts to pump blood into your arteries) "over" 2. **diastolic pressure,** the second lower pressure as your heart relaxes between contractions). Why mmHg? mmHg was first used to measure systolic pressure in 1896 and a decade later was refined to measure the diastolic pressure as well. It remains essentially unchanged today. BP is *written* “120/80 mmHg” and is *stated* "120 over 80". Long story short: a normal blood pressure is lower than 120/80 mmHg.

2] Item 2:
Item 2 text.

3] Item 3:
Item 3 text.